Monday, September 18, 2006

Chartotem Blog History

When it did officially started?
- Registered to on September 11, 2006. Want to make the registration day memorable, so 9/11.
Why Blog?
-Was influenced by my mascian batchmates. Will post their blog links here in the future
-Finished a cool book recently and the author sort of encouraged me to write something, hence Chartotem's Blog materialized
Why Chartotem?
-Pronounced as chahr-toh-tuhm
-Derived it from Charmander, Pokemon (#004), and totem from Blizzard's Warcraft game
-Previously it was just a nickname used in Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne skirmishes and multiplayer games (e.g. DOTA), but later on I decided that is was a "Hot" name for a blog
-By definition: char means to burn, to scorch. It is definitely related to fire. Totem means an object or an animate being, assumed as the emblem of a clan. It watches over, assists and guides the clan.
So maybe this blog will discuss "hot topics" on my mind, as well as guide and assist me (and the readers as well) in the future
But for now I will settle that Chartotem’s Blog will be my some sort of diary, will host my personal thoughts, and just be my Chartotem’s Blog.

Well, I think that’s all for my first post. Wish me luck guys n gals! And welcome to Chartotem’s Blog...